Monday, July 15, 2013

Cotton vs. Polyester - What's wrong with cotton thread?

We began Thrilling Threads' classes 3 years ago with the blessing of Superior Threads. I figured we would cover all the threads in about 6 months . . . well, little did I realize there were so many projects waiting for us as well as our friends at Superior introducing more new threads. This combination has kept us going for 3 years, and we still have more projects waiting!

Most of the projects at our Thrilling Threads classes are challenges. We challenge ourselves to come up with something that exercises our use of thread. Thread is the key to revisiting all kinds of projects, using the proper or sometimes, new thread. It has been so much fun!

The most common "thread" issue I have had to deal with as an instructor is reminding sewers to think about the project they are beginning. All are quilters, and as such, they instinctively reach for their good old cotton thread. Not that there is anything wrong with cotton thread, we all use a lot of it. But when you have spent years using cotton thread for quilting, it is a hard to get out of that rut. 

The worst thing I would see back in my shop owner days, was walking into a purse class and seeing all the sewers gleefully sewing a challenging handbag or tote with cotton thread. Can you tell me what is so wrong with that? Use polyester! It is stronger and you can match those wonderful colors. Why would anyone start an item that is designed to be schlepped, tugged, pulled, tossed, or 'over-loaded' without using the strongest thread? Why? Because many sewers simply grab a spool of thread without giving a thought about how the project will be used. Each sewer would answer, "It's what I always use." Not giving a thought to the difference between the two threads...

So - my point is: STOP! Think about the project before beginning it. What is it going to be used for? Do you need shiny thread, strong thread, fat thread, fine thread, cotton, or invisible thread? This means retraining our thought process as sewers or quilters not to just reach for the same old thread.

That reminds me, when is thread too old? Why do we use cotton thread for quilting? Will polyester ruin your quilt? These questions go on and on. I will endeavor to answer them all in upcoming blogs.

Ta Ta For Now - Shawnee

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How to copyright a Quilt Pattern

How to Copyright Sewing Patterns

Copyright law protects creative works that are put into material form. You can use copyright to protect written works such as books, poems, musical scores and essays, as well as visual works like paintings and photographs. You can also copyright a work that is a combination of text and illustrations, such as a sewing pattern. Although no action is necessary to copyright your works, you can achieve an extra degree of legal protection by registering a copyright for your sewing pattern.


Things You'll Need

  • Sewing pattern
    • 1
      Do nothing. Copyright protection is automatic as soon as a creative work is put into material form. A pattern idea in your head is not protected by copyright, but as soon as you commit the pattern to paper, or draw it on a computer screen, it is automatically protected.
    • 2
      Register a copyright for your sewing pattern online at the Electronic Copyright Office web page of the U.S. Copyright Office.
      You can achieve an extra level of copyright protection by registering your sewing pattern and creating a formal record of its existence and authorship. You register by providing your basic identification information and uploading an image file of your work. Online registration costs $35.
    • 3
      Add a copyright notice to your sewing pattern. In a readily visible location, add a C-in-a-circle copyright symbol, the date the work was first created, and the author's name. This copyright notice lets people know that your work is protected by copyright.

Tips & Warnings

  • The Copyright Office publication, "Copyright Registration for Works of the Visual Arts," specifically mentions sewing patterns as works that are protected by copyright.
